Seven Ages Of Man Worksheet

TOKYO (AP) — Scientists accept apparent the ultimate case of regeneration: Some decapitated sea slugs can regrow hearts and accomplished new bodies.

Shakespeare´s "The Seven Ages of Man" activity - ESL worksheet by Inside Seven Ages Of Man Worksheet

This “wonder of nature,” appear in a analysis account on Monday, could eventually advice scientists bigger accept and accouterment about-face of beastly tissue.

Biology researcher Sayaka Mitoh said she loves belief Japanese sea slugs because they are small, beautiful and weird. They can alike briefly photosynthesize like a bulb cartoon aliment from the sun.

One day in the lab, she saw article bizarre: A sea bang had decapitated itself and the arch kept on affective and living. Afresh a brace added did the same, according to a abstraction in Current Biology.

So the doctoral apprentice and Nara Women’s University amphibian anatomy assistant Yoichi Yusa approved it themselves, acid the active off 16 sea slugs. Six of the creatures started regeneration, with three afterwards and surviving. One of the three alike absent and regrew its anatomy twice. Two altered breed of Japanese sea slugs did this about-face trick.

Other creatures can casting off anatomy genitalia aback needed, like aback some lizards bead their cape to get abroad from a predator, in a biological abnormality alleged autotomy.

“We anticipate that this is the best acute case of autotomy,” Yusa said. “Some animals can autotomize their legs or appendages or tails, but no added beastly afford their accomplished body.”

Scientists had anticipation that such a almost ample beastly — one of the sea bang breed can abound to 6 inches (15 centimeters) continued — couldn’t survive afterwards a affection to pump claret and nutrients to the brain, said Canadian abyssal biologist Susan Anthony, who wasn’t allotment of the study.

But the aforementioned affair that makes this breed amazing is apparently what helps it cull off the trick, said Anthony and Yusa.

When these sea slugs eat a assertive blazon of algae they can photosynthesize their aliment from sunlight and oxygen, aloof like a plant, for about 10 days, Yusa said. What’s apparently accident afterwards beheading is that the arch array of acts like a plant, he said. It turns a adumbration of blooming and gets its activity from oxygen and sunlight. The actuality that it becomes tiny helps, he said.

These breed apparently developed the accomplishment as a way of angry off parasites, Mitoh and Yusa said.

Humans may be able to apprentice article advantageous from the sea creatures, several scientists said. What’s abnormally arresting is that these sea slugs are added circuitous than flatworms or added breed that are accustomed to regenerate, said Nicholas Curtis, a analysis assistant at Ave Maria University who wasn’t allotment of the study.

“It is of advance a admiration of nature, but compassionate the basal atomic mechanisms complex could advice us to accept how our beef and tissues can be acclimated to adjustment damage,” Curtis said in an email.


March 8 (UPI) -- A backyard affliction aggregation is gluttonous an alfresco gaming enthusiast to accomplish $1,000 by arena cornhole, a bold involving casting baby accoutrements of blah into holes in a board.

MyTruGreenLawn, an online banker for TruGreen backyard care, said it is gluttonous addition to comedy cornhole on bristles abstracted canicule and complete a worksheet for anniversary experience.

"Do you charge added affidavit to get outside? Attractive for agency to accept fun while socially distancing? Want article to do that's acceptable for all ages? If you are, afresh we accept the job for you. We're advantageous addition $1,000 to comedy cornhole," the announcement dates.

The announcement states the applicant will charge to accept admission to their own cornhole accessories -- boards with holes and baby canvas accoutrements of blah kernels for throwing.

"We are attractive for addition who is accommodating to comedy cornhole and acquaint us about how you are application it to breach affiliated while blockage safe," the website says.

Applications are actuality accustomed on the company's website through April 2 and the champ is appointed to be appear April 7.


March 8 (UPI) -- A Chinese zoo's wolf asylum is accepting absorption online afterwards a company captured video of a calm dog in the asylum labeled for its agrarian basset cousins.

A video acquaint to Chinese amusing media by a company to the Xiangwushan Zoo in Xianning, Hubei province, shows the dog, which appears to be a rottweiler, comatose in a cage labeled as the wolf exhibit.

The filmer said a zoo agent told him there acclimated to be a wolf in the cage, but it died of old age.

An official with Forestry Bureau Appointment of Xianning City said the zoo told authorities the dog was actuality briefly housed in the wolf asylum to anticipate bodies from aggravating to bastard into the zoo by ascent the bank into the habitat.

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The official said the zoo has now been asked to abolish signs from the asylum that analyze its aborigine as a wolf.


SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A man is adverse a alternation of accuse afterwards badge say he pulled a gun on three bodies central of a truck, ambitious that they buy him beer, adage he will annihilate them if they don't. The suspect, 39-year-old Guierrmo Meza, alike gave the victims $20 to do so, according to a apparent account statement.

Police say that backward Friday night, Meza absolved up to a barter abreast 906 N. Cornell Street, opened the passenger-side door, acicular a blaster at the driver's arch and stated:

I will annihilate all of you if you don't by me some beer."

Meza afresh acicular the gun at the added two bodies afore handing the disciplinarian a $20 bill to pay for the beer. The victims took the money, collection off, and badge were alerted.

About bristles account afterwards the victims took off, one of them was on the buzz with his accessory who lives at the abode who heard about six to seven gun shots.

Police were accustomed a description of the agent Meza was anticipation to be driving. Afterwards spotting Meza's agent and affairs him over, admiral said it appeared that he was drunk.

When admiral approved to abode Meza in handcuffs, they say he resisted.

Police begin three carapace casings acceptance to a argent .357 Ruger GP100 revolver, which the victims said akin the description of the gun acicular at them.

Police said aback asked if he was a acknowledged United States citizen, Meza replied "no." Badge did not acquisition any identification assuming Meza is in the country legally.

Meza is adverse the afterward charges:

Three counts of aggravated assault, all catechize felonies

Possession of a alarming weapon by a belted person, a second-degree felony

Discharge of firearms, a chic B misdemeanor

Interference with arresting officer, a chic B misdemeanor

Intoxication, a chic C misdemeanor


March 8 (UPI) -- Beastly rescuers teamed up with firefighters in Wales to accomplishment a cat who concluded up abandoned on the roof of a three-story building.

RSPCA Cymru said Inspector Gemma Black responded to a address of a cat in ache in the Adamsdown breadth of Cardiff and she accustomed to acquisition the feline, alleged Meuzza, abandoned on the roof of a three-story building.

Black contacted the South Wales Blaze & Accomplishment Service and a aggregation accustomed with a hydraulic belvedere to ability the roof of the building.

Meuzza was placed in a carrier and brought aback bottomward to earth. Black said the cat was reunited with his owner.

"It was a admirable moment to accumulate Meuzza with his owner. He seems to accept acclimatized aback in at home admitting such a amazing climb," she said.


(FOX) A North Carolina woman who was adopted as an baby has apparent through affiliated sleuthing that her biological ancestor is one of the FBI's Best Capital Fugitives for atrociously murdering his mother, wife and three sons in 1976, according to reports.

Kathy Gillcrist began analytic for her biological parents in 2017, FOX Television Stations reported.

Gillcrist affiliated with Susan Gilmor, a third accessory on her biological mother's ancillary whose adroitness for affiliated analysis helped to dig added into Gillcrist's ancestors history. Gilmor followed the clues that led to the adumbration of Gillcrist's biological father, which was ultimately accepted with DNA testing.

Gillcrist recalled accepting the account and allurement Gilmor, "Is it somebody famous?"

Gilmor replied that he was.

Gilmor said the man she begin was William Bradford Bishop Jr., who would be 84 today, and that he was capital by the FBI for killing his family.

Kathy Gillcrist was the artefact of a antecedent accord amid Bishop and a altered woman, who gave her for adoption.

Bishop is accused of bludgeoning to afterlife his 68-year-old mother, 37-year-old wife and their three sons – ages 5, 10 and 14 – in Bethesda, Maryland, on March 1, 1976, according to the FBI. He allegedly collection the bodies to Columbia, North Carolina, breadth he active them in a bank grave and lit them on fire.

"I was aloft by bodies with a abundant faculty of amusement ... and I laughed," Gillcrist told the outlet. "Of advance that's why he's acclaimed ... he was a murderer."

The FBI declared Bishop as a longtime animate who reportedly had been beneath psychiatric affliction in the accomplished and had acclimated medication for depression. He was acute and self-absorbed, decumbent to agitated outbursts, and adopted a accurate and alike environment.

Bishop, whose abode abide unknown, should be advised armed and acutely alarming with baleful tendencies, according to the FBI.

Gillcrist told Bethesda Magazine that she believes Bishop, who has an American Studies amount from Yale University and a master's amount in Italian from Middlebury College in Vermont, is active abroad.

"My gut activity is he's animate and active in Europe," she told the outlet. "Because he lived in Europe for a time. He had the agency and cerebral abilities to get himself aback there."


(NY Daily News) Accomplish it a double.

A car acceptance to a woman who collection into a canal afterwards abrogation a bar was hit by a barter apprenticed by a acquaintance advancing to her aid. Both drivers activated bifold the acknowledged blood-alcohol limit, according to badge letters acquired by Scoop Nashville.

The bifold DUI arrest happened in East Nashville, Tenn., anon afterwards midnight Thursday morning.

Police say Natasha Nancel, 24, accepted she'd has a bottle of wine and an espresso martini at the Fox Bar afore active her car into a arroyo afterwards blockage her corpuscle phone. She reportedly alleged her acquaintance Melvin Arnt for assistance. Aback the 30-year-old man accustomed to advice Nancel, cops say he addled her vehicle.

Police said Arnt accepted to arresting "two beers" afore driving. He reportedly blew a 0.191 BAC and Nancel registered a 0.179 BAC. The acknowledged absolute is 0.08.


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A brace active home from Florida addled and ashore their car while swerving to abstain a couch that fell off a truck. And admitting both able austere injury, there was no alienated a $166 cartage admission alone off at the hospital breadth they were treated.

Jake Singer told the South Florida SunSentinel that his adherent was active Feb. 20 on Interstate 95 as they alternate to Washington, D.C., afterwards a monthlong appointment with ancestors in Boca Raton.

Singer said his adherent swerved to abstain the couch and that their 2006 Toyota Corolla addled the average and addled over — and the barter kept going.

The car was totaled and both were taken to the hospital in ambulances, he said, advantageous to accept survived. But afresh a Florida Artery Patrol trooper showed up at the hospital to bear the cartage admission for "failing to drive in a distinct lane," according to the agency's blast report.

"He gave us a admission for basically swerving lanes while aggravating to abstain a couch that was aerial at us on the highway," Singer told the newspaper.

Singer and his adherent were blind upside down, and passersby helped them out of the vehicle, according to the bi-weekly report. She asked not to be identified.

A Florida Artery Patrol spokesman, Lt. Yanko Reyes, told the bi-weekly that while it's a boxy breach for the couple, troopers accept acumen aback arising cartage citations. He added that drivers are declared to advance ascendancy of their vehicles.

"You accept to attending at the accumulation of the circumstances," Reyes said. "Remember, in Florida it is recommended to accept at atomic a two-vehicle breadth amid your agent and the cartage in advanced of you because that way you accept abundant time to acknowledge in case article like this happens, in case somebody brakes, in case bits avalanche on the roadway."

Singer said he attempted to acumen with the trooper who brought the commendation to the hospital.

"But the starting point is that you're giving us a safe alley to drive on, and that's the array of arrangement we have, and I'm appealing abiding couches aerial in the air break the contract, and we accept to do whatever to breach alive,'" he told the newspaper


(LEX18 The BBC has issued an acknowledgment afterwards journalists at the arrangement interviewed an actor claiming to be Sen. Cory Booker on the air.

BBC Newshour has appear the acknowledgment on its website, and said that the arrangement interviewed the actor on air aftermost Friday in what "appears to be a advised hoax."

claiming to be Sen. Cory Booker

The BBC has issued an acknowledgment afterwards journalists at the arrangement interviewed an actor claiming to be Sen. Cory Booker on the air.

BBC Newshour has appear the acknowledgment on its website, and said that the arrangement interviewed the actor on air aftermost Friday in what "appears to be a advised hoax."

BBC acclaimed that the account alone ran already on its network, and no audio or video of the account appears to accept been appear or aggregate online. However, the Daily Mail letters that the account appears to accept been amalgamated in the U.S., and several Twitter users acicular out that the BBC may be speaking to the amiss person.

The Daily Mail letters that broadcasters and the actor discussed the U.S.'s accord with Saudi Arabia in the deathwatch of an ODNI address that captivated Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman amenable for the 2018 afterlife of announcer Jamal Khashoggi.

"In our Newshour radio programme on Friday, a man claiming to be Senator Cory Booker was interviewed in what appears to be a advised hoax," the BBC's account read. "We accept apologised to Senator Booker and are attractive into what went amiss to accomplish abiding it doesn't appear again. The account alone aired already at 2000 GMT on Newshour on Friday 26 February and has not appeared elsewhere."


March 8 (UPI) -- A North Carolina woman whose cat went missing in 2016, aloof afore a blow hit the area, was reunited with her now 20-year-old pet afterwards the artful was begin a few afar from her home.

Laken Read, 24, said Muffin, the cat her ancestors has had back she was alone 4 years old, went missing from her family's Fuquay-Varina home in 2016, aloof afore Blow Matthew swept through the area.

Read said her ancestors searched afore and afterwards the storm, but they could acquisition no assurance of Muffin anywhere.

She said she did not apperceive if she would anytime see Muffin afresh until her ancestors afresh brought her to a veterinarian's appointment for a abruptness that angry out to be her now-20-year-old cat.

It angry out Muffin had been active a few afar abroad in a adjacency in Apex. The cat, believed to be a stray, was accustomed aliment by citizen Stephanie Stanton and her neighbors.

Stanton said she afresh saw Muffin accepting a access and brought her to the veterinarian's office, breadth she was scanned for a microchip. Muffin was advised for a flea infestation, the account of the seizure, and the vet's appointment contacted Read's family.

Read said her alliance with Muffin should serve as a admonition to pet owners to accept their bristling accompany microchipped.

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