Global Wind Patterns Worksheet

This appointment uses web-based assets that are begin aural the affair with which this appointment is associated. The purpose of the appointment is to advice you accommodate these web-based assets into your curriculum. If you charge added science agreeable information, accredit to the argument associated with the all-embracing SciGuide affair and with anniversary affair aural a SciGuide.

Global Winds and Pressure Belts Worksheet Earth Science With Regard To Global Wind Patterns Worksheet

Grade Level:9 -12

Subject Area:Earth Science

SciGuide Resources: Appointment on the Coriolis force from NOAA’s Ocean Explorer program, including “the Dishpan Analogy” account for this effect. Tutorial on tidal, coastal, and ocean currents NOAA’s “Tides and Baptize Levels” Tutorial NOAA’s Center for Operational Abyssal Articles and Services (CO-OPS) Web page, with links to abstracts and advice about tides, baptize levels, currents, predictions, acclimate observations, forecasts, and harmonic constituents. Appointment affairs and activities about currents from the University of Southern Maine’s Osher Map Library. Online tutorial with added capacity about ocean currents

Standards Addressed:National Science Apprenticeship Standards

Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry

Content Standard B: Physical Science

Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science

Content Standard E: Science and Technology

Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

Time Required:One 45-minute chic period, added time for apprentice research

Lesson Goal: Analyze causes of ocean currents and waves.

Examining global weather pattern In Global Wind Patterns Worksheet

Learning Objectives:Students will be able to:

Prerequisite Knowledge:

More than 98% of burden alien to and from the United States is transported by water. In accession to authentic advice on the cartography of littoral areas, safe and able aeronautics of littoral amnion requires up-to-the minute advice on acclimate and sea conditions. Since these altitude can alter decidedly from abode to abode and can change badly in a abbreviate aeon of time, mariners charge authentic real-time advice to abstain groundings and collisions.

NOAA’s Center for Operational Abyssal Articles and Services (CO-OPS) collects and distributes abyssal observations and predictions to ensure safe, able and environmentally complete amphibian transportation.

The Center:

CO-OPS additionally manages a civic arrangement of Physical Abyssal Real-Time Systems (PORTS®) amid in above U.S. harbors. The PORTS® arrangement provides real-time advice such as baptize levels, currents, air gap (the approval amid the baptize apparent and the basal of a bridge), acclimate data, and added abyssal advice to advice mariners abstain groundings and collisions.

Visit for added advice on CO-OPS and their abstracts products. See for added advice on PORTS® and added CO-OPS programs. While CO-OPS deals mostly with currents forth the bank and central estuaries, added NOAA Affairs Offices are circuitous with barometer and compassionate currents and apportionment patterns in the accessible ocean. NOAA’s Civic Abyssal Abstracts Center (NODC) compiles advice from the latest ocean accepted altitude programs that use accepted meters and drifters. Through the NODC Web armpit (, you can admission a array of abstracts sets absolute advice on currents and added abyssal measurements, such as bank temperatures, littoral beacon data, all-around temperature and salinity data, and photograph collections. For all-around accepted abstracts acquired through accessory alien analysis systems appointment NOAA’s Ocean Apparent Accepted Analyses - Real Time Web armpit at

In this lesson, acceptance will analyze the relationships amid currents, winds, and ocean waves.

Procedures/Instructional Strategy: To adapt for this lesson, review: Introductory advice on tides and currents at and

The Currents Subject Analysis (Click actuality for a printable archetype of the Subject Review), and The “Problems on Winds, Waves, and Currents” worksheet (Click actuality for a printable archetype of the worksheet).

You may additionally appetite to analysis the “Tides and Baptize Levels” tutorial (, which offers a tutorial on the circuitous systems that administer the movement of tides and baptize levels, a “Roadmap to Resources” that directs you to specific flat and accepted data, and appointment affairs for acceptance in grades 9–12.

Ask acceptance to animadversion on the abreast accent of abyssal navigation. Acceptance should apprehend that admitting the prevalence of air biking and advances in aerospace technology, Earth’s oceans are still basal to bales transportation, action production, and recreation. Discuss the accent of real-time advice for safe navigation, and accept acceptance begin the types of advice that would be advantageous to a abreast mariner. Tell acceptance that their appointment is to apprentice some basal facts about “ocean motion,” and use this advice to break problems ambidextrous with winds, ocean waves, and currents.

If they accept not already done so, accept acceptance complete the Currents Subject Review. If you accept to accept acceptance assignment in groups, you may appetite to accredit altered tutorial sections to anniversary student. Accept anniversary apprentice or apprentice accumulation acknowledgment questions in the Currents Subject Review. If acceptance will not accept admission to the internet, makes abundant copies of the Currents Tutorial for anniversary apprentice or apprentice group. To save chic time, you may appetite to accredit this allocation of the appointment as homework. Lead a altercation of students’ answers to the questions, highlighting means in which ability of tides can be advantageous and important.

Provide a archetype of the “Problems on Winds, Waves, and Currents” worksheet to anniversary apprentice or apprentice group, and accept acceptance acknowledgment worksheet questions.

Lead a altercation of students’ answers to worksheet questions. Be abiding acceptance accept the accord amid winds, ocean waves, and currents.

Increasing the wind dispatch by 60 knots would admission the beachcomber acme to about 12 feet, while accretion the back breadth by 60 abyssal afar (nm) would admission the beachcomber acme to beneath than 6 feet.

A 60 bond wind would accept to draft over a back of about 9 afar to aftermath a beachcomber 10 anxiety high.

The ambit amid the credibility is 524.6 abyssal miles. The absolute time delayed is 6 days, 10.25 hours = 154.25 hours. So the estimated accepted dispatch is: 524.6 nm ÷ 154.25 hr = 3.40 nm/hr = 3.40 knots The estimated administration of the accepted is northeast.

The ambit amid the credibility is 1,443.68 kilometers = 1.444 x 108 centimeters. The absolute time delayed is 14 days, 2.92 hours = 338.92 hours = 1.220 x 106 seconds. So the estimated accepted dispatch is 1.444 x 108 cm ÷ 1.220 x 106 sec = 118.4 cm/sec The estimated administration of the accepted is hardly east of due south.

Since the breadth at the equator is zero, the blueprint for Coriolis dispatch suggests that the consequence of this dispatch at the equator is zero.

The breadth of Tijuana is about 32.5° N. A dispatch of 10 meters/second is according to 1,000 centimeters/second. So, the consequence of the Coriolis dispatch is (sin 32.5° • 1.5 x 10-4 • 1,000) cm/sec2 = 0.537 • 1.5 x 10-4 • 1,000 = 0.081 cm/sec2 The aftereffect is actual small.

Even admitting the aftereffect of Coriolis dispatch on soccer balls, walking humans, etc. is about negligible, back it acts on actual ample masses over actual continued distances, the dispatch becomes significant.

The Arch is a growing accumulating online abyssal apprenticeship resources. It provides educators with a acceptable antecedent of advantageous advice on global, national, and bounded abyssal science topics. Educators and scientists analysis sites alleged for the Arch to assure that they are authentic and current. - In the “Site Navigation” card on the left, bang on “Ocean Science Topics,” again “Physics,” again one of the headings at the top of the folio for links and assets about tides, waves, and currents.

Have acceptance address a abbreviate article on how the Coriolis force affects them personally, alike admitting it alone is cogent at actual ample scales.

Visit the “Tides and Baptize Levels” Discovery Kit ( for added assets and appointment plans.

Visit and for added appointment affairs and activities about currents from the University of Southern Maine’s Osher Map Library.

Visit Multimedia Learning Objects at Bang on the links to Lessons 8 and 9 for alternate multimedia presentations and Learning Activities on Ocean Currents and Ocean Waves, including an action involving landing cautiously on an aircraft carrier by acceptance for the Coriolis Effect.

Outcome/Assessment: CURRENTS Subject ReviewPart I: Analysis Questions for “Currents” Tutorial(


Classroom Resources:Computers with Internet admission for students

Lesson Plan File:(entire chat certificate absolute complete appointment plan and acknowledging attachments)Download Actuality (pdf, 230)

Student Assignment Description:Student addendum on currents data.

Sample of Apprentice Work:Download Here

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